Terms & Conditions
Home » Terms & Conditions All songs are in HD WAV format only. / All Songs + Covers Included in .Zip Format. Before buying songs, check album details and quality details. Before buying songs, Just listen to our vinyl and cassette sample tracks and then buy if you like it. Only the CD albums will not have a sample track. After purchasing the songs, customers are allowed to download each album a maximum of 5 times. Purchased songs can be downloaded within 7 days. It will then expire automatically. Admin is not responsible if the songs purchased by customers are not downloaded and expire.If buyers share their account with others or run on multiple IP their account will be automatically disabled. We do not force anyone to buy albums. This is a personal decision of the buyer. Payments
We Accept Indian [UPI] & International Payments [Stripe] It may take up to 1 hour for us to process orders from users paying through Indian UPI. There are No Refund. Shipping
All products available for purchase on TamilFLAC.com are digital products and delivered via digital download only. No physical products are shipped for digital products. All of the Indian Vintage Vinyls & Cd Music offered for sale on TamilFLAC.com are digital products. All the songs at TamilFLAC.com are for listening purposes only. Making duplicate Audio CD from WAV files is illegal. These are provided to give our Customers the idea of good music. Therefore please kindly support us by buying original version of Audio CD’s from your local retailer. All the rights are reserved to the audio company. The owner of this website cannot held liability for any illegal usage of the contents.
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